Blessed Imbolic!

to all my Friends and Followers! And those who have stumbled across my path…

Imbolic is finally upon us. As I reflect on these past months, I realize how truly fortunate I have been since the wheel began to turn last October.

My mother has also lost an incredible amount of weight (and she is in that stage of life where they tell you it is impossible). It is NOT folks! My father is beginning to write more. As I read his passages, they are humorous and spoken-sounding. Just like my father to sound like he’s talking even when he’s writing. My sister studies latin and spanish and finally got into sports. She’s keeping up with academics and becoming one of the smartest women I know. And she’s not even in high school yet!

As for me, I have undergone numerous writing projects. I have taken every available opportunity I heard about. Even when I had over 18 semester hours at University, I began writing for a College Life Blog, a Literary Magazine, and started my own blog on Mediterasian Cuisine (that you can find the link to above). (:

Solidifying my goal in October of 2011, I began to lose weight rapidly. Despite taking on a healthier way of eating, I began to exercise at least 3 days of week. Normally, I would exercise 4. I began to change my eating habits. Instead of waking up to Nutella and Peanut butter, I woke up to a very rich, dense sweet pastry. Why? Because I partook of no bread or sugar for the remainder of the day. Now, I eat grains and rarely partake in bread. If I do, I make sure I’m exercising enough to burn it off. Or, I make sure the quantity is much lower.

It was not my eating habits alone that got me to where I am today. 20lbs lighter than last year and the lowest weight (and highest fitness level) I have been since I was in the second grade. It was and IS my lifestyle.

I’ve kept up with friends; I’ve made many new ones; I’ve applied for scholarships, study abroad programs, and looked at internships. I’ve emailed countless professors for recommendation letters. I’ve emailed professionals far more often than I imagined at this stage in my life. I’ve gotten boundless opportunities and haven been grateful for every single one. On that note, I also acquired the long-awaited Star Wars’ MMO “The Old Republic” and my friend just happened to be selling his Alienware around the same time. So, I got that too.

Starting a new beginning for me in Imbolic means continue these good habits. Faithfully, I intend in taking my good fortune along with me into the new warmer months.  I won’t beat myself up for eating too many or too few calories. I won’t tell myself that I don’t have time to play TOR. I won’t get so involved in what I am doing that I forget how well I am doing it.

When the warm weather wanes into the Iowa City Area, I’ll be ready for more excitement, opportunities, and more friends to make the coming all-too-hot summer all the more bearable.


Blessed Be.



fitGeek: article one @ TalkNerdy2Me

hello everyone, please check out my article “Curbing the Freshman 15 without Diet or Exercise” @ talknerdy2me–an online college life blog run by NSCS (National Society for Collegiate Scholars).

i’m super excited to be a part of their writing team and encourage you to read my article there! it just got posted. . . . TODAY! so happiness ensues!